Not even blog a month at this point. Whoops! I realize now that when you have a full time job and then you land an acting gig that has rehearsals in the evening it's a little difficult to keep up with all social media outlets. I've been mostly coming home exhausted and much more interested in watching tv then sitting and typing out my thoughts on the computer.

The show is already in production and there are only 2 weekends left. I'm very happy that a few of my friends have come but I kind of wish more would have come out to support. I understand though, I can't possibly see every single one of my actor friends shows. I would have no money and no life.

Speaking of shows, I've done a few Serial Killers pieces that I had quite a lot of fun with. Skit Slayers and Cult Cuts were great! I love it when people ask me to be in there shows...I just wish it would happen more often.

hmmm...I am clearly quite unfocused but I really want to get a blog post out there to get the creative juices flowing. Let's make this happen.

Ya know... if anyone wants to comment with questions for it. Let's open up the forum. Maybe that will help my mind focus.

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