I am going to Burning Man... In fact a large amount of people are going to Burning Man. It's an event that many people care deeply for, are curious about or you may be one of the many who couldn't care less.

What I am already seeing on facebook is people saying things like this:

YAY!!! Burning Man!!! Who else can't wait for a week of air in LA without all that patchouli stink??

There was also a little smiley face with the tongue sticking out that won't show up on here...I'm sorry.. but your use of an emoticon does not make you any less rude. I apologize for grabbing that particular message as I do not want the person to think I am trying to publicly shame them... (please note that if you recognize this as a mutual friend, I am simply using this as an example and do not feel ill will towards them) it just happened to be the latest and it will certainly not be the last.. I'm sure this person is having fun and not intentionally being a dick... but.. come on... it's rude. (please note that since I just finished another blog about Burning Man and I was feeling pretty good about it, I took more offense than normal to this status)

I have to hear about everyone going to Coachella and I don't see people making fun of them, We are constantly bombarded with people talking about their various trips, complete with picture updates... and they aren't made fun of... So why is my one vacation this year that costs thousands of dollars need to have such...hate? (is that the right word?) towards it? What I don't understand is why does Burning Man constantly have people making status updates about how they will be relieved to have the hippies out of town? and why do over half of the comments involve patchouli? It happens every year. I've always seen it happen. Even before I decided to go.

Have you talked with someone who has gone to Burning Man? Have you gone to the official page and read the literature about what Burning Man is about? Have you gone before and just hate it?

I just don't understand. Now most of my friends are artists so I really truly cannot fathom why they wouldn't be interested in or at least curious about a week long event that involves such diverse art and people. Yes, the event is strange and has very harsh conditions and it is absolutely not for everyone, but do you really need to make fun of it? What are you gaining by doing so? Are you patting yourself on the back for being clever? is your status really just put up for one particular burner friend that you are poking fun at? Do you think that I am an idiot for going? I'm going to have to assume you're a nice person and that you aren't trying to make me feel like a crazy asshole for going...but the fact is... you are.

I'm not a hippie, patchouli makes me nauseous and I don't even think that is a particularly clever or accurate description of a hippie in this day and age. I'm just a normal person who is adding an interesting experience to their life and I would expect people to show some sort of respect that I have made this decision.

I know that I don't have a huge amount of readers and this may seem crazy but this blog is for me and my observations and my feelings. I only hope that if you are one of the people reading this that feels the need to post status updates about this sort of thing.. that maybe you will think twice about how it is seen by the people who are going.

also.. I am speaking for myself. There is also a large population going to Burning Man who are a bit more strong willed than me. In fact.. most of them probably are and they probably could give a fuck less what you have to say.

Part of my reason for going is to become the latter half. I don't want to wonder what my actions are seen as or who is judging me.. I would love to say "I don't give a fuck" and fully believe it.
One day.....

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