In an effort to streamline things a bit more and have less paper clutter bugging the crap out of me I'm starting to actually scan my papers. Now part of me wishes I would have started this sooner as I did finally give up some papers that maybe I should have kept but...actually I'm not sure I would ever need them but I think I might have felt better if I had scanned them.. anyway...whatever..its done. 

Doxie is a thin scanner that very easily scans and has idiot proof software. At least I really hope it is idiot proof because I can't imagine a program being any easier to use. So far I have only scanned pay stubs and time cards but I'm feeling really damn good about this. If I can cut down on the junk in my file cabinet I will be immensely please with myself. Bring on photo of the day:

photo a day #9

I really do love my Doxie, and by "my" I mean it really belongs to Hans :)

Aside from this scanning project I had kind of a good day. Had lunch with a coworker, got a free water bottle from my boss, and then totally scored items I needed (but didn't expect to find and honestly wasn't looking for on this trip) while shopping. Pretty freaking great. Oh and I had a ton of emails that made me feel super popular. yay! 

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