photo a day #6

There I said it. I admitted my love for Poquito Mas. To some this seems like a ridiculous post but for those who really truly know know I can't get enough. Saturday morning when I wake up no matter what time I will probably want food from Poquito Mas. Why? I have no idea but it is this ridiculous urge that I can't quite get rid of. I often go around the apartment and ask Hans if it is "burrito'clock" ...It usually isn't. Which is truly unfortunate. Hans and I have our differences but a big one is his love of Chipotle to my love of Poquito Mas. We have dueling "fast food" mexican places that we like to eat at. HOW WILL OUR LOVE SURVIVE????  
I am often prone to over dramatics. I apologize. Moving on.. But seriously I love this place and I have a feeling it has to do with the fact that I generally dislike salsa but this is the first place I ever liked any. I have no idea what it is made of, no idea what it is called but it is so delicious. It also got me through a big unhappy moment in life when I was gluten free and basically couldn't figure out how to eat out with friends without breaking down in tears. Their corn tortillas were the answer in my time of need. 

This post is absolutely ridiculous. I am aware but if you love something.. ya just love it. :)

1/9/2013 12:55:02 am

Chipotle? Over Poquito Mas? Oh, Hans.

Andy Warhol would agree with me about this being a good photo. It is of Poquito Mas, and it is in focus.


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