sooooo... I missed blogging yesterday.... but I don't feel bad about it. Yesterday was the day of birthday parties and events. I was also dangerously close to not blogging today either. 

Yesterday I had the honor of going to a house warming for a delightful couple. I've known them since college and I both happy and unbelievably jealous of their home. Great space with a beautiful kitchen and pool in the back with a cabana! The kitchen and the backyard is really what got me. I long for a house. Something to really call my own. It isn't in the cards right now and it isn't necessarily a logical choice at this stage in my life but gosh darn I want one. I enjoy our apartment but I could do without the elevator that might trap you, the guy who smokes so much outside of his apartment that opening our front door often results in me coughing and the crazy cat lady who is well... crazy and happens to own two cats that we will gladly take in if she decides to pick up and leave them here. I guess I just really want choices. I want to paint my walls and hang up stuff with actual nails and not worry that at some point we may not get back the security deposit or that taking things down will be a total pain in the ass. I took a photo while I was at the party and oddly enough it wasn't actually of the house, but of some very interesting art on the wall. 

photo a day #12

I really enjoyed this to the point where I took 3 pictures and I just used an andorid app called photo grid to combine my photos. What may be hard to tell is that this is made out of license plates. It is really quite awesome. Also while standing around, wishing I had my own home and wondering if I should have another party snack I decided to try to snap a candid photo of a friend and his son, who is the most well behaved child I have ever encountered as well as the best dressed

photo a day 12.2

Look at this adorable father/son moment (wish the little guy still on his fetching hat for this photo). This kid is freaking adorable, this is the kind of kid that as a woman just makes your ovaries hurt. Luckily there were so many kids at the party that the feeling was squished pretty fast :) 

I'm not one for saying I want children. But every once in awhile a kid just comes along and you go.. oh! being a parent must be awesome. Ok... done with the talk of children. 

After becoming severely claustrophobic as more people arrived to enjoy in the good fortune of a new home I came home and went on the most amazing cleaning binge. I have actually been cleaning like a madwoman for the past several days and I am so incredibly proud of my accomplishments. The only reason I stopped cleaning yesterday was so I could go to a birthday party. I was so into cleaning that it almost seemed unreasonable that I would leave my apartment to do something that wasn't cleaning. But of course I had a good time. Hugs, conversations, singing happy birthday, sharing tater tots, 3 beers and a cupcake later and I was absolutely beat. A good beat though. It was good to get out and be around friends. It's also wonderful to know that if a friend gets groped by some perv that just about all of us are ready to go after that guy for being out of line. We never did find him but don't mess with me or my friends. We may not hang out one on one all the time but we are part of a theater company who loves one another and will stand up for a person when they are in need and honestly sometimes even when they aren't in need. hmm.. pretty bad ass group of people if I do say so myself. 

I was able to sleep in today and was sad to say I woke up with a stuffy nose and a sore throat. I've been battling something for several weeks. I think my immune system is trying to fight off everyone's germs and some days are just better than others. I stayed in pretty much all day and wasn't able to start a class today that I wanted to... but it gave me more time for cleaning. I got 4 loads of laundry done and I finally went through every single magazine I had stacking up and looked through and pulled out articles and chucked everything else. It was a wonderful feeling to get rid of them. I feel like I have been a major cleaning rockstar all weekend. But I couldn't be this freaking awesome without the doxie scanner I wrote about the other day and this:

Photo a day #13

the most boring photo ever
My scanner! We are like total BFFs. I bought this several years ago at this point and it was one of the best purchases. All weekend long I have been a shredding like a mad woman and I couldn't be prouder of myself. 

You have no idea how immensely proud I am for doing all this work. It probably doesn't seem like a lot because I'm trying not to bore you with details but this is a good thing. A very very good thing. Like weight off my shoulders, breathe easier kind of good. My project doesn't stop here though. I'm going through every folder I have and am seriously thinking about what I need and what I don't. I did this a while back but got overwhelmed and kept a lot of things and shredded a few things I wish I hadn't. It was cathartic to shred cards from old friends on one hand and on the other I will never have those again to look at, I won't have some of the kind words they said to me. But I also won't need to relive the memory of one or two of those people being full of shit. I should have kept them or  at least scanned the ones that were important but I was just in a panic and needed stuff to go. Le sigh...  I gotta remember.. I can't keep everything.. just keep chanting: I will not be a hoarder, I will not be a hoarder and breeeeeaaaathe.....

btw... when writing a blog I do not suggest writing it after a large mug of sleepy time tea. I am not sure I will remember this blog tomorrow. Oh well.. goodnight folks!!!

1/14/2013 02:41:33 pm

Oh, yayyy!! I feel so honored that Bob Dylan made it into your blog! So glad you and Hans came. You looked beautiful! And yeah, it got pretty loud and crazy for a while there, but I had to stay. ;)


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