I've been sick.. which has been the cause of most of my missed posts which is fair. I think sickness is a fair reason to miss what was to be a daily goal. Today I decided to stay home from work and take a little trip to Urgent Care.. and by little I mean I was there from 11 am to 1:30 pm. When I walked in the place was so packed that there were only 3 chairs left in the entire place. Most of the people who walked in behind me had to split up or stand or walk out. I have a primary care physician in the same building as this urgent care center but my doctor is so rude that I can't stand to go back to her. Ya know.. I'm going to call her out by name.. do not see Dr. Stankovik at the Lakeside Community Health Center in Burbank. I now know two other people who have been to her with the same results. She walks out of the room before you are done talking and loves to fix you with writing a prescription you do not need. She is terrible! Anyhoo, back to Urgent Care... it was a long wait, but I do appreciate their ability to do blood tests right in their facility and give me results immediately. It was however a waste of my day. I have a viral infection that they can't do anything about. So three viles of blood later and diddly squat. Grr... Although I suppose it is good to confirm once again that I am not diabetic. That is in the plus column. I did take photos while I was waiting.. burned through and entire cell phone battery out of sheer boredom. Have fun with these photos:

photo a day #21

This sign has amused me on a number of occasions in this urgent care facility. Mostly because I'm bored and have nothing else to look at while I'm in the room. My initials happen to be MEC so that is the main reason while I have a tiny chuckle. Why? I don't know. Sometimes I'm just a little simple

photo a day #21.2

The nurse with terrible bedside manner asked me if I had ever had blood drawn. I'm shocked that this would have been her first question. Maybe I've just been to the doctor too often. After expressing that I prefer blood to be taken from my left arm she proceeded to lay all of her equipment on my lap and tie up my arm. She dropped things on the floor and left the band on my arm for so long that I started to feel like I was going to pass out. She finally said.. "do you want this taken from your hand?" I just said sure because my entire arm was turning colors. In all honesty it hurt a lot less from my hand but this nurse was just awful. She kept on mumbling and putting things on my lap or my legs. Seemed a bit unprofessional. I don't really mind being at the doctor, I don't care a lot about needles but damn... having someone take blood is really painful and I feel like I often have someone who is really stupid and ends up hurting me or bothering me more than they should. 

photo a day #21.3

This is when they left me in the room after stabbing my finger to check on my blood sugar levels to make sure I wasn't diabetic. I don't know why exactly it needed to be my middle finger but I'm delighted I could have this photo because this is pretty much what I'm thinking most of the time at urgent care after the wait. Nah,. I'm not really that bitter or annoyed, but it is a lot more fun for this photo. 

Now some people did see me over the weekend in varying degrees of sickness. I did make it to both my auditions (did ok on both, but I do wonder if it was a solid call)  and I was able to go out to see the show in Anaheim  but damn was I feeling like crap which is why I decided to see a doctor today. But recently I've been doing the same thing. I wait so long to go to the doctor that I'm already on the mend when I force myself to go. It isn't that I dislike doctors it is just that I have been to the doctor so much in my life because I seem to have the worst immune system ever that I'm actually trying to make my body fight instead of immediately turning to antibiotics. As much as antibiotics are amazing, I think there are some definite immunity problems that arise when you have it too often. As a child I got strep throat multiple times a year. It was honestly ridiculous how much I had it. It was finally recommended when I was 20 that my tonsils should come out. It was one of the best and most painful decisions of my life. I wouldn't say I'm less sick but some of my symptoms aren't as bad now when I get ill. No tonsils swollen to the size of golf balls for me anymore, which is awesome. Unfortunately with my tonsils gone it makes it a little harder for some doctors to deduce what is wrong with me because tonsils tend to be majorly effected when a person is sick. In college I had gone to the medical center on campus and a doctor went to prescribe me the same medicine that I had already taken 3 times in a row in the past 4 months. I finally said "No" the doctor was really impressed by me. I think all of the doctors gave me the same generic antibiotic because they really didn't know what was wrong with me. I remember being so proud of myself in that moment refusing medication and then having the doctor actually agree with me was pretty fucking great. I'm trying to take more of a drivers seat with my health lately. I think I'm succeeding because I'm finally finding doctors who care about me and I feel comfortable talking to them. I also am trying to question more often why I'm being given a medication. I think I'm getting handle on things. Now I just need to exercise more, eat better and figure out what I'm allergic to and I shall be golden. Golden I say!

C.M. Gonzalez
1/21/2013 02:21:25 pm

Come on, Immune System, help my pal out!


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